Fenian IR Shamrock Stamped /


The story is right now up to a thousand Fenian muskets were stamped with an IR Shamrock. These are the most rare of all the Fenian muskets from the 1866 and 1870 raids. The actual number is not known. These IR stamped weapons are believed to be the ones on the Fenian ship E.B. Pray formerly known as Ocean Spray. Hammer number 28 with IR stamps is in my collection.


My Findings So Far:

Out of 177 Needhams in the database, there are 12 with an IR Stamp. Only have pics of 11. Of those 12, 4 have the V-Cut. the other 8 are unknown if they are cut. There may be something there but don’t have enough IR marked Needhams in the databse to make a determination yet.

Hammer #28
